We at Aguapuro, offers wide range of HRSCC for Water & Waste-Water Treatment applications. For Fresh turbid Waters, Clarifier gives better option of treating water. These systems can also be used for Lime softening to reduce hardness and alkalinity of water. Even heavy metals and Silica can be reduced when used such systems with use of particular chemicals & optimum dosage. For Waste-Water applications, these systems are used for reduction of turbidity and suspended solids.
It’s the most economical, profitable and conventional proven system for Beverage industries, pharmaceutical industries, Food industries and private sectors.
In ETP/STP, coagulants (Aluminium sulphate, polyelectrolyte, Ferric chloride,) are added to get quick sedimentation in HRSCC. In HRSCC we get 80 to 95% Reduction in Total Suspended Solids and Turbidity.
In WTP, Food grade Commercial or Industrial coagulants are used (Ferrous sulphate, Lime (Calcium Hydroxide, Calcium Hypochlorite, Dolomite, Sodium carbonate) to get better quality of Outlet parameters. i.e., TDS reduction is 30%, Reactive Silica reduction 70%, Hardness reduction 60 to 70%, Turbidity and TSS 70 to 90%.
Treatments Available for
- Surface water
- Well water
- ETP/STP Wastewater
- It enhances the particle agglomeration and growth, bringing particles into closer contact with each other at the bottom of the tube
Benefits of HRSCC System
- Good quality of Outlet water
- Less power Equipments required compared to RO.
- Easy operation and Maintenance
- Less operation cost.
- No Reject waters from HRSCC
- Easy treatments for river water
Process Diagram of HRSCC

Process Consisting
Feed Pump > HRSCC > Clear Well Tank > PSF > Treated water Tank
Dosing System Consisting
Ferrous Dosing, Calcium Hypochlorite, Calcium Hydroxide
Supplied System Photos - HRSCC

Supplied System Photos – Dosing System